Sympathy Bouquets

If you would like to send a bouquet of flowers to a funeral instead of ordering a wreath, or send a sympathy bouquet to the grieving family, we are at your service. Order a funeral bouquet at short notice in Budapest and its surroundings, with delivery! You can also pick up your order at our flower shop!

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gyors szállítás
Slow product
Fastest delivery time: 09.06.2024. 8:00-10:00
(Or other chosen time later.)
gyors szállítás
Normal product
Fastest delivery time: 10.06.2024. 17:30-19:30
(Or other chosen time later.)
gyors szállítás
Fast product
Fastest delivery time: today 16:00-18:00
(Or other chosen time later.)
gyors szállítás
Extra fast product
Fastest delivery time: today 16:00-18:00
(Or other chosen time later.)
szezonális termék
Seasonal product
You can find the exact months on the product details page.

Mon‑Sat: 9:00 ‑ 20:00
Sun: 10:00 ‑ 16:00

Web: 0 ‑ 24
Delivery: 7 ‑ 20:45
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